
Crowd Supply campaign now live

A project log for wESP32: Wired ESP32 with Ethernet and PoE

A low cost ESP32 core board with Ethernet and PoE for convenient "single cable" deployments

patrick-van-oosterwijckPatrick Van Oosterwijck 10/05/2018 at 21:400 Comments

The wESP32 Crowd Supply campaign is now live!  I have parts for about 230 units in-house, so if you want one before the end of the year, at the time of writing there are less than 100 of those left!  If you order later, they will ship from a new batch which is scheduled for February 2019.

As I mentioned in the first campaign update on CS, I received the production PCB panels for the first batch:

I'm really pleased with how these turned out, my wasp is finally black and yellow as it should be. :)
