
CNC v3.2.2 made its first run on Maker Faire Berlin

A project log for Basic DIY CAM 2018

Build computer controlled manufacturing tools from commonly available materials.

norbert-heinzNorbert Heinz 06/03/2018 at 06:440 Comments

The Maker Faire in Berlin was a great place to be and demonstrate my CNC v3.2.2 for the first time. The mechanics worked fine during the three days and I had talks with many makers, students and teachers so that new ideas came to my mind.

The software is still in a very early stage, but part of the cooperation with Siemens is to make it process G-Code, thus there is pressure on me to do it in the not so far future ;-)

As a short demonstration the machine was cutting octagons from 2mm acrylic plastics.

I always say that small is beautiful, however this machine is huge (it occupies approximately 1x1x1m) and fits in my estate car with almost no space left:

I will build a second mechanics with half the size of this one. I am sure that a working area of 20x15cm will still be enough for most projects.
