**Original Purpose**
I designed this tiny little guy as an entry to One Square Inch. It's packing an ATTiny85, coupled with a Maxim 1555 for LiPo charging, transistors for motor control, USB for charging and programming, plus 3 general purpose IO!
Unfortunately, I realized I couldn't make one in time for the contest by the time I heard about it. I learned about the contest 22 Nov 2015, designed the board 23 Nov 2015, and will not be able to create one before 1 Dec 2015.
Here are the files for it anyways, in both KiCAD and Gerber formats!
**What does it _do_?**
Well.... On it's own, nothing. It needs to be programmed. V-USB serves as a handy bootloader, allowing it to be programmed and communicate as a USB v1.1 compliant device. It has two high-current draw IO, and three signal lines. I designed it to be for tiny robots.
**Suggestions for use:**
-Tiny robot controller
-Neural-net robotics node
-Hive robot unit
-LED blinky driver
-Something rad
Although I realize that I have dropped out of the running for the OneSquareInch competition due to my inability to fabricate a functional board, I don't want to leave this project hanging. The G-code in the "Exports/Gcode" folder is not correct. There are several overlaps because I did the conversion with a tool diameter that was too large to separate the tight tolerances on the board. I would recommend using the Gerber files anyways and just having a professional company fabricate it (Like OSHPark) rather than attempting to cut it yourself unless you're some kind of whiz with Gcode. I will try to fix it myself as soon as possible.
Nice design.