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A project log for ESP8266 RFid reader

let's do this - now with TFT display

davedarkodavedarko 01/04/2018 at 08:313 Comments

I was recently approached on twitter to make one of these, but thought it might make sense to spin this into a custom board to make my life easier debugging this, once it arrives at the persons place - having another one handy at home. So I stripped down my #LAMEBOY - another ESP12 handheld to an essential ESP-12 board and went from there. Two buttons, one on the RX line should help make it a bit more interactive (scrolling through content). There's a solder jumper in the case I don't wan't to populate the charging and power muxing parts, since the person wanted to power it with a powerbank anyways. It's just a bonus from the work I've done with the lameboy project and doesn't hurt to stay on. The headers are for the modules, top one is for the MFRC522 modules, bottom one for the display module. I could have added the display footprint to the back of this board, but was too lazy to create it in the first place, so I've opted to stick with the header of the 1.8 inch SPI TFT display modules.  

It was also time again to give another go (also cheapest steel stencils evaaar), having ordered #sloth badge at OSHpark and another badge on dirtypcbs as well.


Rich text editor

Vishnu Mohanan wrote 01/21/2018 at 15:20 point

Did you export the PCB images from the design software or used any other gerber viewer to export them ? They look nice.

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davedarko wrote 01/21/2018 at 15:27 point

that's from, they create previews like does :)

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Vishnu Mohanan wrote 01/21/2018 at 15:41 point

Thanks. Fortunately no need to register to obtain the previews. But they don't let us download them. I had to use a trick to download the preview images. Still nice.

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