
The Mooltipass Mini is Live on Kickstarter!

A project log for Mooltipass Offline Password Keeper

Offline password keeper project created by and for the Hackaday community

mathieu-stephanMathieu Stephan 10/10/2016 at 14:351 Comment

We are live !

Dear Mathieu Stephan,

The long wait is over: the Mooltipass Mini crowdfunding campaign is live on Kickstarter!
We are extremely happy to present you with our final device, which has already passed FCC and CE certifications. This effectively means your device can be shipped to your door the moment it leaves the production chain!

Compared to the Mooltipass standard you know, the mini has the following advantages:

  • Smaller size: 79 x 37 x 12mm
  • Cheaper: $50 early bird price, $85 retail
  • Faster input method: clickable scroll wheel
  • More intuitive: we implemented your suggestions!
  • Scratch resistant: case made of anodized aluminum

There are only a limited quantity of early bird rewards so make sure to visit our campaign the very moment you receive this email!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our 50 beta testers who relentlessly tested the Mooltipass Mini over the past several months, ensuring our device would suit everyone's needs while remaining intuitive to use.
And lastly, we'd be eternally grateful if you could spread the Mooltipass word around you so that we can help everyone with our safe and secure password management solution!



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Mathieu Stephan wrote 10/21/2016 at 21:34 point

please stop spamming. You've been reported on KS and here as you broke the community guidelines. 

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