
A quick message for people discovering the project

A project log for Mooltipass Offline Password Keeper

Offline password keeper project created by and for the Hackaday community

mathieu-stephanMathieu Stephan 03/27/2014 at 22:040 Comments

Given the project is currently at quite an advanced stage, I know it must be quite difficult for people discovering Mooltipass to quickly understand what this is all about. So where to begin?

For a quick description of the project, have a look at the official github repository:

For the first Hackaday post explaining the project, have a look there:

Hackaday post explaining the main electronic components:

Hackaday post containing the first picture of a functioning prototype:

Hackaday post showing the design we're currently working on:

If you have any question, you're welcome to leave a comment here!
