I'm almost done with the perf board prototype but I've run into a few issues along the way. I'll get to those after I go over the progress so far.
It can't remember the last time I've done a perf board so I was a bit lost at the start. I ended up deciding to take a picture of a few different board sizes and then I used OneNote to annotate components, wires and bridges on top. Here's what I ended up with.

To solder it I started with the ICs, then I did the passives, then the wires and finally the bridges. Going into things I thought that this approach would give me good access to do all the solders. I was wrong, oh so wrong. Towards the end of the board things got really dicey trying to get to all the pads. I think I ended up either forgetting to do a few of the solders or one of my bridges isn't connecting properly. When I powered the board up, my power supply showed 0 current draw but the outputs were all just noise around 0V. So I'm pretty sure there isn't a major short or else I'd expect there to be some current draw or a puff of magic smoke. I'll need to check it out with a multimeter to try to diagnose what's wrong.
This is the last update for now on the Analog inputs. I'll keep working on fixing the board and for my next log I'll go over the digital inputs of MagiLog.
Here's a picture of my first piece of hardware of HaD Prize 2018:

EDIT: Figured out what I think the issue was on the high voltage output. The 555 I'm using is the LM555 which requires 4.5V to drive, this wasn't replicated by SPICE. What i need to do is swap it out for a lower voltage 555 like the LMC555.
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