

A project log for 110 / 230 V~ PCB Heated Bed

Meet the Makertum MK1, a 500W PCB heated bed that runs from mains voltage

moritz-walterMoritz Walter 06/30/2016 at 20:392 Comments

Good news everyone!

It's been a while since the last update. In the meantime, I've sent the new design off to different manufacturers and waited for the results to come back to me. Then, I received an email from Mike Szczys and started writing for Hackaday, the blog part of it. Then the results came back. Then, I threw them all in the trash. It was a pretty sobering experience. See the wall of fail at the end of the post for details.

Then, I got new quotes from new suppliers. Well, it's pre-production after all, and we're happily burning money on it. Better now than later. I finally found a manufacturer that delivered beautiful boards with an acceptable yield. From this preproduction run, I currently have 50 heated beds here for testing now. I still have to do a bit more testing on them, and if everything goes right, they will be available in the shop soon.

This is how they look like:

Wall of fail

The first series of boards (the red beta test units) came from DirtyPCBs. They were awesome. I think it's worth mentioning that. When they fail, then they fail bad, but most of the time, they are simply amazing. Not so the manufacturers I tried afterwards. All of them had higher per-board prices, and all of them sucked hard. Some arrived with the Gerbers entirely misinterpreted (and yes, I quadruplechecked them), some had a weird flaky soldermask, and some just arrived virtually without packing and took serious damage. Here are some excerpts.

Packing fail

Gerbers WTF

Black marker FTW

These spots are quite common, although some runs had 50% yield due to these.


Rich text editor

Alex Rich wrote 06/30/2016 at 21:52 point

Congrats on getting these in the store and on the writing gig.  A friend is building a Prusa i3 next week, I will have to tell him to get this when it becomes available.

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Moritz Walter wrote 07/02/2016 at 10:18 point

Thanks, and thanks! There will be an article on DIY 3D printer building next week, your friend may want to check that one out.

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