
Hackaday | Belgrade

Hackaday Europe SuperCon // Belgrade, Serbia // April 9 2016

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Rough outline:

x All-day event / 10AM - 02AM
x At Dom omladine Beograda (Pogon/Sala Amerikana + Workshop space)
x Workshops!
x Conference Badge Designed by Voja Antonic
x Evening Concert: Infinite Jest, Grupa TI + DJ Boza Podunavac
x All-night Badge Hacking Compo
x and more...

UPDATE: Pre-conference (informal) meetup at Klub Dvoristance / Cetinjska 15

UPDATE: Video stream is available at

UPDATE: We are officially SOLD OUT. A few spots are still available for the Hardware Hacking music toys Workshop - grab them while you can!

In case you're wondering: the background is a nod to Bit International.

05-Voja Antonic.pptx

presentation - 8.88 MB - 04/09/2016 at 11:26


Hackaday Belgrade Street Poster Print.png

Hackaday Belgrade Evening Session Street Poster

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.18 MB - 03/31/2016 at 20:06


Hackaday Belgrade Flyer.png

Hackaday Belgrade Evening Session Flyer

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.13 MB - 03/31/2016 at 20:06


Hackaday Belgrade Schedule.png

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 593.18 kB - 03/30/2016 at 17:35



Speaker Lineup Poster

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 934.37 kB - 02/27/2016 at 07:40


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Dražen wrote 05/25/2018 at 13:55 point

Have a great conference, everyone! Sadly, I won't be able to attend, but my friend Pero ( ) is gonna be there and I've tasked him with handing out some Balkan I/O stickers – (it's a discourse forum for hackers in the region to exchange knowledge around technology, hobbies, IT business, …)

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Tom wrote 04/13/2016 at 20:39 point

I dropped some lizard PCBs off at the "swap meet". If you took one and would like to know the component placement, please drop me a line at

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davedarko wrote 04/12/2016 at 10:06 point

Thank you guys for this event! I had a wonderful time in Belgrade, starting with staying in the arkabarka hostel. We tried to get some of the staff to register on, since they were engineers and loved the #Tote HaD that @M.daSilva showed them. We tried to see all of Belgrade up until we almost missed our flights. Well also because we were on the wrong side of the street, but the most awesomest reception girl Anna let her bus leave when she saw us looking lost and called us another taxi and everyone got home that day. Belgrade had a lot to show us, the food was great, the weather was nerd friendly and the grass was growing wild.  

As for the event, the bands were really good! But maybe a non band / non DJ event would have been better. Not sure why there always has to be loud music with dancing, when we're there to talk to people and show off projects, not our probably missing dance moves. Maybe someone could come up with a name tag machine that also prints the 'best' / 'favorite' project of a hacker on plus the online name - there are definitely some missed opportunities for smalltalks because we're all shy people and nobody wants to brag about stuff, when surrounded by smart people. The catering was so tasty, the coffee was great, especially when drunk from the coffee mugs we got with our bags! Nice goodie bag btw. WiFi worked out well, so five stars!  I still have to find out how to work with the MPLab IDE, but the badge was an awesome creation and I loved the programs that everybody came up with for the contest! 

Now I have to wait for the videos of the talks, since I had to actually work on that day... damn you job that's possible to do from everywhere. But I was glad to escape the AC for a while, you could definitely tell that people were smoking in that "conference" room for years. So 4.5 Stars. @Radomir Dopieralski allowed me to sneak into his #Tote HaD workshop, so I could work on my version, that I had to completely take apart and rebuilt again :D There are already some nice additions to the Tote, thanks to this event and the collaboration this platform allows. Awesome!

So once again, thank you guys!  

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deian.cosas wrote 04/12/2016 at 06:28 point

I drove from Timisoara(Romania) for this event, and it was definitely worth it! Thanks to everybody that made this possible in Belgrade, the food was great, the talks were great and seeing Voja presenting the badge and talking about the issues was awesome, he is truly a great hacker! I hope to be able to attend these conferences soon!

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mladen wrote 04/11/2016 at 18:27 point

Thanks for the awesome event! 

Can confirm Radomir's remarks regarding the volume, both inside and outside the building.. However, I liked it, nothing like a good kick in the belly from the subs :)

Also, the music between the talks was nice. Can I find it somewhere online? 

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 04/11/2016 at 18:52 point

Thanks! You can find the transition video at 

and the track at:

(track is done by

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deʃhipu wrote 04/11/2016 at 07:04 point

Not sure where to put feedback, so I will just post it here. Hopefully you will find this useful.

The bad:

* The talks started half an hour late,

* The music was *way* too loud in the evening. It was impossible to talk two rooms away. We ran away, and noticed the bus stops outside the building are vibrating. I'm sure it's possible to party with fewer decibels, but I guess it's a matter of taste. I came there mostly to meet other hackers and to talk with them, and that was pretty much impossible.

* There was no names on the conference badges. Because of that, I probably met much more people that I know from Hackaday, than I realize, but didn't recognize them. Which is a great shame, because we could have talked about their projects, if I knew who they are, instead of general niceties.

The good:

* The food was fan-ta-stic. Really great!

* The live streaming was very useful. I had to prepare for the workshop, so I couldn't stay in person, but I still got to see most of the talks on the stream.

* The talks were great.

* The badges are really cool, and I wish I had time to play with them some more. If I had the time, I could make them control the robots!

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Milan Maletic wrote 04/10/2016 at 10:52 point

Girls, boys... This was a fantastic experience for me. Thanks for organizing this hackaday it was a pleasure to be a part of it. Hope to see it come back next year.

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 04/09/2016 at 10:02 point

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mikikg wrote 04/09/2016 at 04:20 point

See you there ;

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lazar.urosevic92 wrote 04/06/2016 at 12:42 point

See you guys, I am coming with my friend.


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M.daSilva wrote 04/01/2016 at 16:56 point

I just learned that my flight from Brussels got cancelled... I don't know how I'll make it to there, I'll try by leaving from Amsterdam
EDIT: Solved, thanks to Air Serbia :)

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 04/04/2016 at 14:41 point


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ludwig wrote 03/30/2016 at 05:16 point


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ludwig wrote 03/30/2016 at 03:10 point

hi, i want to hear the talks. if i get a ticket for the musical workshop, can i listen to talks? or can i pay the ticketprice without getting the badge? i am small and dont take much place :)

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 03/30/2016 at 04:16 point

Lol, we'll squeeze you in, but can't guarantee a badge. Just send me your email via private message.

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bosko wrote 03/21/2016 at 16:07 point

Is it possible to buy "Workshop 2: Tote, a walking quadruped robot" ? i see in evenbrite is SOLD OUT, but really i want this workshop. If in evenbrite is all sold, it will be possible in Belgrade to buy it ?

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deʃhipu wrote 03/21/2016 at 16:54 point

I'm very sorry, but I can only handle so many people in one room at once -- especially when it's an interactive workshop, involving building a physical thing and helping everyone individually. I will bring some extra printed circuit boards with me (and @davedarko wanted to bring some too), so you can build one at home.

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Dusan Aleksic wrote 03/21/2016 at 17:20 point

Can we just show up with our own materials and stand in the back :)
I'm joking...  I just really wanted to participate :/

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msolajic wrote 03/11/2016 at 10:01 point

Tickets booked ;) See you all!

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Milan Maletic wrote 03/08/2016 at 19:28 point

I have purchased the regular ticket, now I would like to purchase the ticket for the robotics workshop. My question is, will tools be provided for us or we need to bring our own? Thanks

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 03/09/2016 at 18:17 point

Tools & materials should be all provided, but it never hurts to bring a thing or two from home :)

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Milan Maletic wrote 03/09/2016 at 21:38 point

Okay, thanks! This is my first hackaday so i dont know all the stuff around it :)

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deʃhipu wrote 03/11/2016 at 10:31 point

I will bring a couple of screwdrivers, wire cutters and such, and also USB2TTL adapters and wires for them -- that's all that should be required. I will do all the soldering at home before the workshop, because it's kind of tricky.

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davedarko wrote 03/05/2016 at 17:28 point

step one is done - event ticket is booked :)

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Alex wrote 03/05/2016 at 19:13 point

oho! nice

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 03/06/2016 at 03:12 point

davedarko!!! this is going to be amazing. 

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Alex wrote 03/04/2016 at 17:25 point

Also booked

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Daniel wrote 02/27/2016 at 12:30 point

Plane and accomodation booked! :D
(thanks Aleksandar Bradic for the ArkaBarka floating hostel tip!)

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/27/2016 at 18:51 point

Yay! See you in Belgrade.

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Antun Maloseja wrote 02/27/2016 at 10:30 point

Any news on new ticket provider? 

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/27/2016 at 18:59 point

Eventim ended up not working out but we have an alternative (ticket reservation + onsite payment). Will ping you on PM with the details.

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