
Hackaday | Belgrade

Hackaday Europe SuperCon // Belgrade, Serbia // April 9 2016

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Rough outline:

x All-day event / 10AM - 02AM
x At Dom omladine Beograda (Pogon/Sala Amerikana + Workshop space)
x Workshops!
x Conference Badge Designed by Voja Antonic
x Evening Concert: Infinite Jest, Grupa TI + DJ Boza Podunavac
x All-night Badge Hacking Compo
x and more...

UPDATE: Pre-conference (informal) meetup at Klub Dvoristance / Cetinjska 15

UPDATE: Video stream is available at

UPDATE: We are officially SOLD OUT. A few spots are still available for the Hardware Hacking music toys Workshop - grab them while you can!

In case you're wondering: the background is a nod to Bit International.

05-Voja Antonic.pptx

presentation - 8.88 MB - 04/09/2016 at 11:26


Hackaday Belgrade Street Poster Print.png

Hackaday Belgrade Evening Session Street Poster

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.18 MB - 03/31/2016 at 20:06


Hackaday Belgrade Flyer.png

Hackaday Belgrade Evening Session Flyer

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 1.13 MB - 03/31/2016 at 20:06


Hackaday Belgrade Schedule.png

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 593.18 kB - 03/30/2016 at 17:35



Speaker Lineup Poster

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 934.37 kB - 02/27/2016 at 07:40


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Michele Perla wrote 02/26/2016 at 09:01 point

I'm in, guys!

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/26/2016 at 09:09 point

Awesome, see you there!

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/21/2016 at 18:25 point

UPDATE: It seems that Eventbrite has been having occasional issues with some of the non-Visa/Master/Amex/Discover cards. We're setting up additional ticket sales via to provide an alternative. If you were unable to purchase the Early Bird ticket because of the credit card issues, leave a note or send me a personal message, and we'll make sure you still get the ticket at the Early Bird price.

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/27/2016 at 18:58 point

UPDATE: Eventim ended up being a big pain to deal with so we have a new plan :) If you're unable to make payment via Eventbrite, just send me a message and I'll send you a 100% discount ticket that doesn't require CC. With this you'll be able to get the ticket and you can make the actual payment at the box office when you're in Belgrade.

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Antun Maloseja wrote 02/21/2016 at 16:06 point

I have a problem with buying a ticket. I select Discover and enter card data but get response: "Wrong card type or card number is invalid.".
Card I'm using is Diners Card; here says it should work:

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/21/2016 at 17:08 point

Sorry to hear that. A few people had this issue, so we're working on setting up alternative payments via which should do a better job with non Visa/Master/Amex/Discover cards.  I'll ping you as soon as it's live (should be early next week)

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Antun Maloseja wrote 02/21/2016 at 17:11 point

OK. Thanks. 

I was aiming for an early bird ticket, though. 

See you. 

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/21/2016 at 18:14 point

we'll make sure you get the early bird ticket price :)

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deʃhipu wrote 02/19/2016 at 21:48 point

Sooo... I've never been to Belgrade, so I have a couple of questions.

How do we get from the airport to the venue? Is there public transport, or is it better to take a taxi? If the latter, is there a taxi mafia we should be wary of? How much is a ride from the airport? Is it a fixed rate?

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/19/2016 at 21:53 point

The regular taxi from the city to the airport should be no more than 2000 dinars (~17 euro). If you're taking a ride from the city to the airport (for a flight back) you will just get charged a metered fee, so that's nothing to worry about, but if you're taking a ride from the aiport to the city (when you arrive), there's a chance you might run into a rogue driver trying to go off-meter. So just ask about the price/meter thing before you enter the car and you'll be fine :)

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deʃhipu wrote 02/19/2016 at 22:03 point


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Voja Antonic wrote 02/19/2016 at 23:54 point

When you exit the custom area, just ignore illegal taxi drivers which are annoying and sometimes expensive, continue straight about 10 meters and before the last exit (at the right side) there is a stand with taxi officer. Tell him that you need a taxi to the town center, and he will give you the ticket. Then go out, cross the road and enter the first taxi in the row, which will be just at your left side. That's the absolute safe way to avoid illegal taxi drivers, and to pay the fair price, which is 1800 dinars (15 euro), or at least it was two months ago. If you prepare the paper banknotes, taxi driver will almost for sure accept it. Otherwise you can tell him to stop near some exchange office.

There is the public transport, but you will possibly wait too long for it and it is not too comfortable.

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Mike Harrison wrote 02/19/2016 at 23:35 point

According to my 2014 guidebook, there are a couple of buses - City bus 72 every 20-30 mins (100 dinars) or JAT bus every 20 mins (250 dinars). More info on airport websit

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/20/2016 at 00:02 point

Oh, forgot about these! JAT bus is actually pretty comfortable, doesn't take too long and it's cheap. I definitely recommend that option.

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alex_z wrote 02/19/2016 at 00:02 point

Booked. See you in Belgrade. 


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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/19/2016 at 07:05 point

Awesome. See you there!

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Daniel wrote 02/15/2016 at 07:51 point

Any info on when the talk/workshop submissions will receive a reply?

Since my attendance might depend on the result, this would help enormously. Thanks!

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/17/2016 at 17:25 point

Hi Daniel - we'll be sending replies in the next few days. Thanks for your patience! 

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Makertronika Labs wrote 02/09/2016 at 17:11 point

Anyone planning a Belgrade trip from Germany? Would like to share the cost. 

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deʃhipu wrote 02/08/2016 at 18:22 point

So what are the recommended hotels?

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/08/2016 at 19:03 point

We don't have any "official" recommended hotels at the moment, but on the budget side - there are some very interesting hostels (example: and is always a great option. On the "proper hotel" side, these are great value and all in the city core / close to the venue: 

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Mike Harrison wrote 02/08/2016 at 21:17 point

If you're planning on staying on for a few days, bear in mind the Resonate festival from the 12th may increase  demand for accommodation, especially at the budget end.  

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M.daSilva wrote 02/09/2016 at 07:54 point

There's also the Union Hotel, looks like it's the closest from the venue

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/08/2016 at 07:51 point

UPDATE: Early bird tickets are now on sale:

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M.daSilva wrote 02/02/2016 at 15:54 point

Booked!  Can't wait to be there! :D

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Stefan Mitic wrote 02/01/2016 at 09:10 point

Any info on the tickets? Wouldn't want to miss them. :D

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/02/2016 at 01:38 point

Tickets will go on sale next Mon / Feb 8. Stay tuned!

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/08/2016 at 07:36 point

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Stefan Mitic wrote 02/08/2016 at 17:30 point

Got mine first thing this morning (around 7AM :D ). But thanks for the heads up!

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Mike Harrison wrote 01/31/2016 at 20:30 point

Booked - I'll be in Belgrade from 7th til 18th 

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Tom wrote 01/30/2016 at 23:33 point

It might be usefull to make a list with interesting museums and must-sees in the neighbourhood, I can imagine I'm not the only person to stay an extra few days.

To get started: (Closed on monday!)

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Mike Harrison wrote 02/02/2016 at 23:59 point

Museum of Science and technology

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Tom wrote 01/30/2016 at 18:41 point

Just booked two ticket to belgrade for a friend and me. Aleksandar Bradic said I should post here to "pre-order two tickets".

We can't wait :D

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 01/30/2016 at 19:01 point

Awesome. See you in Belgrade!

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MW Motors wrote 01/23/2016 at 18:20 point

If this were anywhere in Europe without a border I would bring the LUKA EV so people could have a drive.  Given that the car is ''novel'' the prospect of driving it across an international border is somewhat daunting.  I am not up to date on the situation on the Hungary / Serbia border.. Anyone know what the queue is like for normal cars?  Do customs ask hard questions about cars, check car documents etc?

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Miklos Marton wrote 01/24/2016 at 11:28 point

Going out from Hungary to Serbia is easier and faster as far as I know (if you are not driving at the same timeframe when the most of the Turkish and other guestworkers are heading home from Germany to have a holiday). I do not think that customs would have hard questions for your car. The customs officers are mostly curious about that you are not transporting immigrants and weapons to the EU nowadays. 

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MW Motors wrote 01/24/2016 at 15:36 point

Thanks.  It is encouraging.  I will do a bit more research double check our paperwork & see if we go closer to the date.  It is a bit of a trek as about 1000km but do-able...

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Dorijan wrote 01/26/2016 at 10:06 point

Posibly ATA carnet is what you will need. It is what we used when we drove the racing motoGP from EU to croatia and back on a trailor. Or just send a question to Serbian diplomacy. On the way back you can propbably stop at Rimac avotomibles. They designed the electric part of hybrid Koenigsegg Regera.

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MW Motors wrote 01/27/2016 at 07:37 point

I saw the Rimac car at E car tech in Germany this year.  My car is street legal & I would be driving it so a Carnet should not be required.  I have been pulled by the police in Germany twice & I got a major interrogation.  The fact that the car has ''nothing'' in the boot or engine bay freaks them out.   It was all fine in the end when I showed them the motors inside the wheels but they really checked my paperwork in detail, checked the VIN on the chassis, checked the safety markings on the glass etc..  If that is what we get just on a ''normal'' check, a border crossing worries me....

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Ivaylo Markov wrote 01/23/2016 at 16:16 point

Will there be a recording and/or a video stream of the talks?

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 01/24/2016 at 17:31 point

There are no streaming plans at the moment but we'll try to record at least some of the talks.

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Mike Harrison wrote 01/22/2016 at 01:44 point

..and of course there is the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade to go look at. 

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Mike Harrison wrote 01/22/2016 at 00:52 point

BTW for those that don't know, the Resonate festival is on the following week which may be of interest to hackadayers

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Mike Harrison wrote 01/22/2016 at 00:51 point

Has a Hackaday Hotel been decided on yet?

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 01/22/2016 at 01:20 point

Not yet. We'll try to look into different options and provide some recommendations soon.

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Makertronika Labs wrote 01/21/2016 at 21:34 point

Does anyone know, can I attend the event as a visitor, without having to present? 

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 01/21/2016 at 22:38 point

Absolutely! Tickets should go on sale on the first week of February. Stay tuned!

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