
Conference Website

A project log for Hackaday | Belgrade

Hackaday Europe SuperCon // Belgrade, Serbia // April 9 2016

aleksandar-bradicAleksandar Bradic 02/08/2016 at 03:0312 Comments

Is now live at

Not a lot of details yet, but hope you'll find some easter eggs ;)


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jlbrian7 wrote 02/22/2016 at 12:13 point

My only justification is that it was a slightly more productive use of time than facebook.

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/22/2016 at 23:52 point

Haha, that's exactly how this page happened in the first place :)

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Sophi Kravitz wrote 02/23/2016 at 00:48 point


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jlbrian7 wrote 02/22/2016 at 12:12 point

I played with the html, and drew a crude jolly wrencher in gold.  I wanted to see if it would slowly make it disappear by switching the flip dots throughout the board, but I couldn't get it to start from an unknown state.

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/22/2016 at 23:52 point

Whoa, that's awesome! Belgrade might be too far for you, but I'll make sure to save a badge for you and send it via mail after the con :)

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jlbrian7 wrote 02/23/2016 at 00:22 point

Thats awesome! Thanks!

It's not much, but I thought it was a neat idea.

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somethin9 wrote 02/22/2016 at 00:01 point

Other circles below are also usable, 5th reverse 7x7 square, 6th turns off 7x7 square, 7th disables clicking and 8th turns off everything

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/22/2016 at 00:09 point

Hey hey - good one! Sending you two free conference tickets ;) If you can't use them, feel free to share with someone else.

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davedarko wrote 02/22/2016 at 07:25 point

and here I was, clicking every dot in the bottom row to turn off everything :D

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 02/18/2016 at 17:09 point

Awesome! There are 2 free conference tickets for you :) Will ping you via private message.

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tomaja wrote 02/18/2016 at 17:12 point

Hah :) Great, thanks!

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tomaja wrote 02/18/2016 at 14:02 point

Easter eggs found! At least some of them :)

After the page is freshly loaded you can click one of top 3 circles in the first column to the left to start the game of life in different modes.

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