This project is a few years old. I was inspired by the TIX clock and a DIY version of it on hackaday. I wanted one also and I thought of making all the pixels RGB. At the time the "Neopixels" weren't out yet, but there were separate WS2811 chips. So as a eagle/soldering practice, I designed a small PCB for the chip, sent it to seeedstudio and soldered them by hand. As a result, I got chainable individually controllable RGB LEDs. I had one extra Ribba picture frame so I spray painted the glass with a gloss finish and installed the LEDs in a matrix inside the frame. Now the mechanical part of the project was done. On the software side I have been a bit lazy as there is still no clock function in the matrix. I have it display random colors and it's a nice piece of art already. Maybe I will sometime update it with an RTC and finish the software.