
Another module

A project log for DYPLED

a thin LED display in SIP module format, much better than TIL311s to visualise your computer buses

yann-guidon-ygdesYann Guidon / YGDES 08/16/2016 at 01:200 Comments

I still haven't sent the PCB to manufacture, I'm waiting for another project to share the cost. Meanwhile I know I have to develop the software that generates the Flash's contents. I'm also considering another multiplexing method and I'll have to prototype it for the #Discrete YASEP displays. So I made this quick simple PCB:

The size is exactly 8×0.1" and the digits can be assembled side by side to create large numbers.

Since it's a more generic circuit than #DYPLED and it can be used in more projects, I consider offering it as well :-)

It's pretty easy to use and can be driven by a microcontroller, for example, if the Flash/ROM method does not interest you.

Update 20160817:

This minimodule has been forked to #4014 LED minimodule !
