

A project log for DYPLED

a thin LED display in SIP module format, much better than TIL311s to visualise your computer buses

yann-guidon-ygdesYann Guidon / YGDES 11/17/2016 at 15:300 Comments

The development of DYPLED had stalled for several reasons. Some were described here, such as the naked vias. There was work, too. And a big problem: the type of LED.

The naked vias are just a matter of ordering yet another batch of PCB with the right GERBER.

Work is done now (#PixelAvenue will open next week)

The LEDs though are a different story. I needed to decide which type of LED I will commit to, from now on. With or without the integrated Zener ?

The choice does not depend on me though.

The only way to decide was to see what type of LED I could use from now on. So I bought more of these : (note: I ordered "warm white", the Zener are in the earlier "cold white" order).

They have been delivered and I just tested them : there is no reverse diode (just like the previous order). This means that the PCB requires no change and I can move forward, with enough stock to ... whatever :-D
