I have been very busy learning Python the past few weeks. It was already on the list, and now that I really need it, I am forced to learn it with a project the size of Oasis. While progress has been steady, I have had to learn Python basically from the very basics.
The software I need to write has to do a few things.
- I need it to import images, vectors or 3D files;
- I need to convert said files to inkjet and motion codes;
- I have to connect to the GRBL motion controller and send commands to it;
- I have to connect to the HP45 controller and send commands to it;
- Use this control of both controllers to make a proper inkjet image and/or part
This control software will be programmed in Python and PyQT. My choice for QT is not based on any good research, I just have a little familiarity with it. A concept of the window is below:

But programming on Oasis controller directly quickly led me to conclude that I needed more experience. I left the Oasis controller for a while. I needed to learn all aspects of the program I need to write separately (and some incredibly basic Python stuff as well) so I thought of 2 smaller programs that I need to try and write before I will start on the big one.
The first is an image converter. I need to load an image, show what was loaded, convert the image so the inkjet will understand it and then render that image as well, to check for errors.
The second is a serial command terminal. Nothing fancy with automatic baudrate and connections, just, serial connect, send and receive. This proved difficult enough to take a week, simply because I knew practically nothing of python. The second one is is done. I have called it serial commander, and it works good enough that I now have confidence that I can write an interface with both the GRBL and the HP45 controller.

That is all for now. I hope that the image converter will be done a bit quicker (after the coming weekend maybe), after that I can make a proper plan on how to program the Oasis controller, and then start the final coding on that.
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