- 50mm 18 ring omniwheels
- Maxon DCX22s motors with 16:1 gearbox and ENX16 Encoders
- Laser cut acrylic and 3D printed parts
- MPU-9250
- Teensy 3.x
- Miscellaneous components (switches, v-regs etc.)
- TI LMD18200 motor controllers
- HM-11 bluetooth? (currently not on robot)
- 1/2" shaft that goes through centre of robot -- for adjustment of centre of gravity (higher centre of gravity => better. Just imagine balancing a broom with the head at the top or bottom)
The PCB is designed in Cadsoft Eagle and manufactured by Elecrow.
I'm from Brazil. I made a ballbot as well.
Some videos about my ballbot:
Your ballbot, do you set position = 0 then ballbot return to 0 position (x and y axis) ?
Dude I can not translation ballbot, please help me.
I made this:
error = position - setpoint ;
output1 = error * kp1;
errorAngle = output1 - Angle ;
diffError = errorAngle - errorAnglePrev / time ;
output2= errorAngle * kp2 + diffError * kd ;
It's just a axis, but i made it for roll and pitch, so i convert to 3 stepper motors (using convert ETH ballbot).