
Run "NOT for Mega" Tinysine GPS shield on a Mega

Frustration with such a handy GPS shield being limited to use on Arduino Uno only
led to a simple hack that allows full use on the Mega

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All suppliers for the old (v1r3) and new (V2) versions of the Tinysine GPS Logger shield for Arduino clearly state "NOT for Mega"
It meant this handy shield had to be sidelined when any larger, more adventurous projects were to hand.
The reason was that the Mega did not support the hard-wired Software Serial ports.
The hack is simple. Tested on a V1r3 shield, but I believe it should work on V2.
1. Use the TinyGPS or AdafruitGPS library. (I have not verified on TinyGPSPLus lib)
2. In your sketch you MUST nominate Ports 7 and 8 as INPUTS
3. Set the shield switch to Software Serial.
4. Use "SoftwareSerial mySerial(51, 52)," or choose other software serial ports available on Mega
5. Loop a pair of wires to connect D8 to D51, D7 to D52
That's it!
To get the SD to work on this shield, remember Pin 10, NOT pin 53 as would be usual on Mega,is declared output
Start SD with "SD. Sample code at excelwo

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