
Hugo (or 'U go!)

LinkIt ONE dog-(wear)able board, activated by remote: track your dog if you miss him, escape or is stolen just with a simple SMS!

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LinkIt ONE dog-(wear)able board, activated by remote: track your dog if you miss him, escape or is stolen just with a simple SMS!

The assembly kit is available on

Hugo (that's also the dog dressing the LinkIt ONE kit in these images) means 'U go! and is an innovative device to track and rescue your dog if he get lost.

There are situation when also the most calm and reliable dog can be panicked: in a night storm, hiking in the wood alone then loosing the direction to come back to you, coming crazy for the fireworks and many other. Not last the hunting dogs running for km following their prey; it is not rare that then they can't find the How can we rescue our best-friend pet?

We can, if the dog wears the Hugo device, based on th

Hugo is a low-price device kit that can standby for more than a day with a very low power consumption thanks to the optimised software. Then if our pet best friend for some reason disappear, Hugo can be activated remotely to track the exact position of the dog. There are some peculiar characteristics that makes this device a unique and high performing rescue unit:

Can be enabled from remote via SMS at any distance.

If there is no signal, as the device is again under coverage the last SMS command is received and processed immediately.

  • There is no need of remote Internet connection, no fee to pay per year.
  • The SMS response includes the Google Maps link location.
  • If saves the history locally to check it at-home
  • It is simple to use, giving immediate responses
  • Detect the dog activity, the environmental temperature and its location
  • Power On/Off are activated via remote command

Optionally the device can send the real-time tracking and sensors data on the Mediatek sandbox portal

Software is open source licensed under the Apache 2 license and you can hack it and customise it.

  • 1 × LinkIt ONE Micro controller board
  • 1 × LM35 Temperature sensor
  • 1 × Vibration sensor Dog motion status
  • 1 × Plastic case 3D printed specific design case

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fesham53 wrote 11/02/2024 at 09:38 point

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