When you look at the cost of solar in the USA the design, labor, and permitting costs exceed the components themselves. Sometimes 2 or 3 fold.
By creating a standard "module" of solar equipment these costs can be dramatically reduced. Instead of an engineer custom designing a system with a bill of materials, an electrician working many hours at a customer's location, and an inspector making sure everything was done correctly a system could simply be unloaded from a truck and plugged in. Standardization and mass-production worked for cars, computers, home appliances, and everything else we use. Why not for solar?
Outback Radian GS8048A
Not recommended - terrible company, poor quality control, awful customer service. But it's a great product when it works. The next version will use Schneider electric inverters
The BoxPower MiniBox is a complete portable power station in a container. Our solar power box solutions present a clean alternative to diesel generators.
The BoxPower MiniBox is a complete portable power station in a container. Our solar power box solutions present a clean alternative to diesel generators.