
The Rig

The aim of this project is to create large scale LED panels using WS2811 LED's for club an venue use.

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Early in 2015 my friend Rob and I hatched a plan to make a large scale LED wall that could be used for gigs and nightclubs. Between us having a fair amount of experience in lighting systems, LED's and electronics we promptly ordered 800 WS2811 LED's and set to work. This is going to be a write up on the build and the problems we ran into creating the beast.

We decided the rig would be made up of 8 x 1 meter by 1 meter units each housing 100 LED's. These would be initially be controlled by a teensy using Glediator or Jinx by with a longer term plan to make it work running sound to light visualisations directly from the teensy itself without the requirement for a computer to control it.
  • 1 × Teensy 3.1
  • 1 × WS2811
  • 1 × 700W PC Power Supply
  • 8 × XLR Cables
  • 8 × Female XLR connectors

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