
Barb Makes Things

Custom DIY projects in high speed, every Tuesday.

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This is a series of videos showing my process of making a new project every week, using a wide variety of media, including electronics, 3d printing, wood, concrete, shrink plastic, gingerbread, etc.

I make so many things that I decided to try another way of documenting them, mounting a camera over my workbench and playing it all back at high speeds. I use a Sony a5000 mirrorless camera, a series of tripods (including a camera arm I built - and documented), and at least three frosted gooseneck lamps. It's edited in iMovie for starters, then I export and pretty up the audio in Pro Tools. Most of the sounds you hear are from the original sped-up video, but I will occasionally record sweeteners.

Different media are so much fun. Let me know if you have an idea of a project I should try.

View all 191 project logs

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Jasmine Brackett wrote 01/17/2019 at 01:44 point

I can't believe there are more than THREE YEARS of videos now! That's awesome! Thank you

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Elliot Williams wrote 08/01/2018 at 10:05 point

I forgot how awesome your videos are.  Then I came back here, watched about ten in a row!  I learned at least one or two great tidbits from each.  So thanks.

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Peter wrote 02/23/2018 at 21:32 point

I like stopping by your Feed. There is always something interesting and inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

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Dr. Cockroach wrote 02/20/2018 at 23:53 point

Love the Hexachord and just came across your projects on the global feed :-) I like working with cardboard as well...

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Peter wrote 01/12/2018 at 00:24 point

I like your projects, very nice, inspirational, and thank you for sharing. 

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johnowhitaker wrote 06/15/2016 at 19:10 point

What a lovely project :) Thanks for sharing the fun!

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