
#Stickvise Smarphone/Camera Holder

A project log for Misc. spur-of-the-moment projects

You know how it is, right? Sometimes you have to do something right then and there!

stefan-lochbrunnerStefan Lochbrunner 03/05/2016 at 20:015 Comments


At first I was going to do something like this:

But then I thought... #Stickvise! And this is the moment I wish I had a 3D printer... and a Stickvise ;)

I was about to work on something else when this idea hit me so it's definitely a spur-of-the-moment project. I imagine a pair of jaws big enough to hold a range of phones or maybe even a (small?) point-and-shoot camera and a 3D printed hinged base from which two metal shafts extend in a v-shape, something like this:

When I have time I'll make some models, let me know if you'd like to give them a try.


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Alex Rich wrote 03/05/2016 at 23:06 point

i can draw it up but I can say the male 1/4-20 thread won't print well, better to make from metal

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Stefan Lochbrunner wrote 03/05/2016 at 23:22 point

Maybe you can design it in a way such that you can slide in a nut from the side.

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Alex Rich wrote 03/05/2016 at 21:59 point

I have used just a standard stickvise exactly like this, I even turned a tripod attachment for the end of the shaft!

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Stefan Lochbrunner wrote 03/05/2016 at 22:21 point

Oh, did I miss the write-up? Aren't you scared of the phone falling out of the standard jaws?

I'd imagine the tripod attachment has a hole for the shaft on one end and a treaded hole for the tripod on the other [is this even close to how it works ;) ] Do you think the tripod attachment would work as 3D printed part? If so (and if you have the time to model it) you should add it to the files section.

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Alex Rich wrote 03/05/2016 at 23:04 point

that is more or less how the adapter worked if I recall.  It was a hack and the std jaws don't hold a phone too well.  Well enough to hold a phone for 45 min so my boss could film his kid doing a performance

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