
Internet of Turkey, Ham, and Other tasty meats!

Cellular temperature monitoring of critical Christmas food items using LTE technology and Verizon

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I wanted to create a quick IoT demonstration to test out the new Verizon database and dashboards powered by Buglabs. The hardware is a STMF401 Nucleo development kit plus a NimbeLink Skywire LTE CAT3 modem (NL-SW-LTE-TSVG) and shield.

NimbeLink provides sample ARM mBed sample code to, so I modified to add support for 3 external DS18B20 temperature probes and push the data to the Verizon Thingspace website. The results are pretty cool. I provided some screen shots of data during development, but the cool part will be live data streaming on Christmas day.

The public dashbaord is available here:

Happy Holidays folks,

main (3).cpp

This is the file that had to be edited to add support for DS18B20 library and

- 8.66 kB - 12/23/2015 at 22:48


  • 3 × DS18B20 External Temperature probes
  • 1 × NL-SW-LTE-TSVG Verizon certified LTE CAT3 cellular modem
  • 1 × NL-AB-ST-NCL Skywire™ ST Micro Cellular Shield for the Nucleo-F401RE
  • 1 × NUCLEO-F401RE ST Micro Nucleo STM32F401 development kit

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