

A project log for LED WiFi Hat

A self-contained, fully cusomisable LED display board on a hat, WiFi enabled for Web based setup.

h3liosphanh3liosphan 12/25/2015 at 12:540 Comments

So this article will go over the basics of the software, although all the real heavy stuff is done inside the various libraries.

I could do with a little help here actually, as the WiFi code is a little bit unreliable, possibly to do with a relatively large server.send() buffer - please feel free to look over the code and contribute.

Firstly, Set up your build environment (Arduino 1.6.5) and get together all the various libs. The build and upload parameters are so -

I have no idea how much Flash memory my particular ESP-07 has, so I just set it to 512K, the lowest. It's currently running at 71% when compiled.

Notice how the chip is running at 160Mhz - this is double what is recommended, however it seems to work really well.

Basically just use the boards manager in the Arduino program to grab the ESP8266 build environment - For the record I'm using ESP8266 Community version 1.6.5-947-g39819f0. You may need to point the boards manager to a URL it can fetch the configuration from.

Also fetch the WS2812 Library from - Add it into the Arduino libraries bit.

You should then be able to load in the Arduino Sketch and compile it fully.

Some points of note about the code -
