
half of the x axis is done

A project log for Jackel3D

Complete conversion from Da Vinci Jr to Prusa I3 style printer, using most of the parts from the Da Vinci Jr

jeremy-gJeremy g. 03/17/2018 at 22:520 Comments

Finaly got the x axis mount finished, it's a bit bulkier than I wanted but I have decided to use the extruder from the Da Vinci jr as well as it's x carriage thus the rail offset. 

the extruder looks fine and should work rather well, the quick release mechanism actually holds the extruder quick snug.

I'll do a log on how to prepare the extruder for use with this setup soon, we need to reroute some thing and remove the circuit board that's in it.

I also have not figured out yet where I want the ramps controller, it's just there for now. I think the power supply is in a decent spot for now. I'll have to make a bracket for it ala Prusa I3 style


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