
Design basics

A project log for Near-vertical Incidence Skywave Antenna

DIY version of the military AS-2259 NVIS antenna for regional comms on HF.

dan-maloneyDan Maloney 01/02/2016 at 17:360 Comments

The AS-2259 military antenna this design based on is pretty cool. The mast of the antenna is about 15' tall and breaks down into sections that can be easily bundled up in a bag. The mast is not just for support - it's built with coaxial conductors inside the mast that connect together when the sections are assembled. And the four elements are not just electrical parts of the antenna - they're also guy wires for the mast. So everything in the antenna has both and electrical and structural function.

My version of the antenna is based on an antenna designed by Mike Melland (W9WIS) some years ago. It's basically two sloped dipoles, one for 80 meters and one for 40 meters. The feed points are on the top of the mast, and the two dipoles are oriented perpendicular to each other. Each element of the dipole is terminated with an insulator, and antenna rope is used to bring the total length of each leg to 45'. Each leg is anchored to the ground with a stake, and the antenna feedline goes up through the mast, which just rests on the ground.

There are a couple of things I don't like about this design. As noted by N3AE and N3IDX, the dipoles are resonant well outside the 40 and 80 meter bands, meaning that an antenna tuner is absolutely necessary. I decided to incorporate their design for loading coils to increases the electrical length of the dipoles and make them resonant at 3 and 7 MHz. I didn't care for the structural design of their coils, though, so I changed them a bit.

I also don't like using plastic pipe for antenna masts, having learned my lesson with the ABS pipe fiasco. So I decided to make this antenna less portable and more "luggable", and went with a mast based on steel EMT conduit. The pipes are nicely rigid, still pretty lightweight, and the array of connectors and fittings makes for a big steel Tinker Toy kit. Add to that the fact that a lot of PVC plumbing fittings are compatible with the threads, and you've got a nice system for quick and easy structures.

One final design goal was to make sure the antenna could be erected quickly by one person. It's always nice to have help, but you can't always rustle someone up when you need them, so the ability to fly solo is key.
