
Rooftop Garden Taking Shape

A project log for Indoor/Outdoor GrowBot

This is an opensource, modular garden system designed specifically for automation, IoT monitoring and remote control.

progressthProgressTH 03/14/2016 at 13:020 Comments

March 14, 2016 | ProgressTH The indoor garden is on hold for a while, because we're trying to get a much larger rooftop garden up and running. Both are essential for the automation system, which we hope will work for everyone's gardens, big and small, indoor and outdoor.

We have some experience working with ferrocement (2:1 sand-cement mix spread over a steel wire frame) and we've constructed a 1x1 meter grow bed to start with. By the end of the month we hope to have a 1x1 and 1x2 bed, filled with soil, the first being compost and vermiculture, and the second for actually growing food.

Sensors and automation will be next, but we're still trying to source the best solar powered options to power the system since there are no accessible utilities on the roof. We're also contemplating water condensing to fill a rooftop reservoir.

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