
2nd Platform Support -- Olimex board

A project log for TRS-80 Model 1 on a PIC32

TRS-80 Model I emulated on a PIC32MX processor; VGA, PS/2, and SD for tape and disk images. Oh, and glourious cassette sound.

ziggurat29ziggurat29 09/20/2016 at 20:420 Comments

"...O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' He chortled in his joy."

Today I finished porting the code to the Olimex Duinomite Mini board, so now you can have your emulator for about $25 USD (for what we paid upwards of a couple grand in the day), and soooo much more reliable. (and no soldering for the Olimex board).

I have tested video, keyboard, SD card (cassette/floppy), and sound. I believe the porting task to be complete.

I have updated the project-related file to now contain both firmware images, one for the UBW32 (based) board, and also the aforementioned Olimex board.

The Olimex board does imply some limitations:

I guess what I have left is serial emulation, maybe hard disk, maybe some sort of printer, and maybe a 3D printed case might be nifty.
