
Build log from the beginning

A project log for Watchdog Security Camera Robot

Solar charges, Open build, affordable, watch and report or community presence robot.

josh-starnesJosh Starnes 03/22/2018 at 16:450 Comments

Posted at 11/11/2017 10:03:57 AM

I have picked up a few Jazzy power chairs and pulled the seats off of them. I will further remove stuff that I don't need. I have seen people hack the original motor controllers but I feel like I am better just selling the original on Ebay and buying one made for DIY building instead. My first power chair base project I used a Sabertooth 2x12 ,but I do have a couple other generic controllers I picked up that may work just fine. I will post some pictures, thoughts, goals and parts I have to work with so far. Any input is cool.


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