
New Sensor Turret /Head for Watchdog Posted at 1/8/2018 11:53:47 PM

A project log for Watchdog Security Camera Robot

Solar charges, Open build, affordable, watch and report or community presence robot.

josh-starnesJosh Starnes 03/22/2018 at 18:350 Comments

Sensor disk gets the same plastidip gunmetal grey rubber coating. It is not as smooth , probably because of the humidity, the plastidip has seen sub freezing temps so maybe that plays a part. I soaked the inside of the compartment and also the wood bottom as well to protect the wood from moisture or transferring moisture from outside to inside.

I cut the wood disk and now I am figuring out good placement for sensors and boards.

After several coats of plastidip the head will now hold water ! Booya.  I may need cooling vents in the future , but those would be strategically places to avoid insects or water from getting in.

Sensors hot melt glued in place

The small pinhole camera is the 640x480 machine vision cam dedicated for image processing, object recognition, face recognition ect. The lights are IR and black disks are new waterproof ultrasonic range sensors.
