Hello to everyone who is following this project. These Logs are going to document the development of the Smartglass project. Right now, I am testing the lens and the mirror. Therefore, I use a wooden prototype cover. The distance from the OLED to the lens is the exact focus length of the magnification lens to create a clear image on the screen (picture 1, 2). The wooden prototype is attached to an old 3-D glass to test the created Image (Picture 3). As you can see on picture , it works quite well ( picture 4). Simultaneously, the first tests with the BLE-connection and the smartphone have been completed successful as well. Right now, the design process of the 3D-printed cover and the Eagle design of the PCB for the slider is in full effect.

picture 1

picture 2
This is the top view of the wooden porotype including the position of the components and the focus length.

picture 3

picture 4
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