The role of motorized telescope mount is to provide automated motion control of optical tube assembly around. Regardless of the mount type it needs two axis control, either:
- equatorial, with one motor running in right ascension plane, and other in declination
- or alt-azimuth mount, with one motor for altitude (up and down) and azimuth (right and left).
Former are preferred for observational astronomy and astrophotography, but the latter is more common among amateur astronomers due their simplicity and price, and popularized by John Dobson. The GoTo technology (automation of tracking and tracing process) is identical in both cases with an addition of necessary recalculation of astronomical coordinates both systems operates in. Equatorial mount drives the mount directly in equatorial coordinates, while alt-azimuth (Newtonian/Dobsonian) mount still needs to recalculate into appropriate coordinates. When astrophotography is involved, a further motor has to be used to rotate the camera to match the field of view for long exposure photographs (
I decided to build my own controller to fit my needs and to reach my goal of $100 total component price tag:
- Tiva-c $13
- GPS $11 (pcb footprint U-blox NEO-6m)
- 2 * motor 28BYJ-48: 2 * $1.5
- 2 * DRV8825: 2 * $2
- Bluetooth module HC-05 Master: $5
- graphic LCD Nokia 5110: $2.5 (virtually all modules with white back-light)
- digital joystick
- battery: several Ah capacity $20
- DC/DC converter KIM-055l
- misc (resistors, caps, transistors, buzzer)
- time ;)
In total it would make up approx $60 (for accountable items).
Hardware components
Controller comprises of the following modules:
- stepper motor drivers (TI's DRV8825, Allegro's A4988, or any other drop-in replacement used among 3D printer community:
- sensors (inputs) and actuators (outputs)
- position (homing)
- temperature (CPU and I2C sensors)
- DSTH01 humidity sensor
- PWM output for main mirror fan (PWM frequency set to 25kHz to avoid fan buzzing)
- PWM output for LCD back-light
- communication (Bluetooth HC-05 and USB in Tiva-C for debugging)
- user interface
- display (SPI)
- buttons (digital joystick)
- buzzer
- RTC with NV-RAM (battery backed)
The role of MPU is to take care of controlling everything from start, to step both stepper motors smooth enough, communicate with Stellarium software via Bluetooth link, and to allow user control via button interface. The main "brain" is provided by 80MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4F CPU with 256KB of FLASH ROM and 32KB of RAM and 2KB of EEPROM (not used at the time of writing this document).
Software modules
Time reference
Sidereal clock gives the earth-bound location independent clock, that is calculated as relative to the fixed stars rather than to the Sun, as traditional (sundial) clock. It allows easy recalculation of right ascension for any given location on earth, as the virtually all star maps uses declination and right ascension as coordinates. Very fast fixed-point arithmetic routine was used in A Low Cost Sidereal Clock, but due to a FPU, the floating point math is just as fast.
GPS module provides longitude and latitude of observer location with NMEA protocol and is parsed with help of TinyGPS++/GIT library. The accuracy and resolution is slightly improved by means of averaging series of acquired positions. As fall-back option an RTC chip with NV-RAM was added to provide time and location reference in case of GPS cold start, or problems with long acquisition - which should be actually impossible for an open field operation.
LX200 protocol
Today's GoTo telescopes support either of two most popular serial communication protocols:
- Meade LX200, or
- NexStar of Celestron.
I implemented most of the LX200 commands necessary to operate with Stellarium software:
- retrieve current position
- slew command to
Other commands, such as GPS related requests (get time/date or location) were also implemented but never tested. Communication is provided wireless via software port emulated with Bluetooth protocol. HC-05 is configured as slave part awaiting for connection from a master PC. In Linux it requires a configuration with commands:
$> rfcomm bind hci0 00:11:22:33:44:55
where Bluetooth MAC is found with command
$> hcitool scan
Pairing key is currently hardcoded (but could be also stored in NVRAM). By default set to in firmware to 1234. Bluetooth device name is hard-coded tough - here set to Lightbridge.
Stepper control
Steppers used to motorize the mount are bipolar stepper motors, driven by DRV8825 chips that requires just a few binary configuration and control pins. Namely: three binary control pins for micro-stepping selection, direction pin and edge sensitive step input. It was critical to provide timing accurate stepping signal, therefore the AccelStepper software package was adapted to support interrupt driven stepping routine. The original AccelStepper requires timely polling, therefore support of other facilitates would have to be very quick and might easily hinder mechanical action in very undesired moments. Nevertheless, the interrupt driven AccelStepper allowed the only timing critical events in the telescope controller (stepper motor control) to work regardless of CPU load. The main API functions remained the same as the original AccelStepper. To set target point use:
void moveTo(long absolute); void move(long relative);
The significant difference is lack of method
boolean AccelStepper::run()
that needs to be called as frequent as possible. In iAccelStepper, stepping is performed in the interrupt routine handled by timers (ISR).
Mass and stiffness of mechanical construction might require adjustment of the maximum speed and acceleration used in the AccelStepper routines. These two timing parameters needs to be established experimentally for different types of motors, size (mass) of tube assembly and gearing. Once stored in NV-RAM will be used each time controller is powered on.
For health monitoring, a set of I2C temperature sensors can be hooked up to the I2C bus. Each of 4 possible sensors can be used to monitor different parts of system, with two dedicated for the azimuth and altitude stepper motors. Their I2C addresses are stored in NV-RAM.
To achieve acceptable results with respect to the quality of position accuracy and vibrations observed during slewing, the size of a single step should be small enough. Stepper motors I used are equipped with roughly 1 to 63.68 gearing ratio. Micro-stepping gives additional 64 steps per electrical revolution. Effective number of steps per entire travel around 360° is a product of motor electrical and mechanical gearing, and mount gearing. In my mount this number builds up to a figure 3574144, which yields approx 0.362" (arcseconds) per step, or approx 41 steps per second in azimuth movement while slewing. Similarly, in altitude axis the resolution achieved with identical stepper motor, but different mount gearing, is even less than 0.30" per stepper motor step. To visualize stepping of 41Hz in view finder, imagine a screen with refresh rate of 41Hz. It should not be too annoying, and allow comfortable watching experience even for a long duration observation. Another reference of positioning resolution is an angular size of large objects to observe in the sky. Jupiter disc is visible as approx disc of diameter 30" when furthers, up to 50" when closest, while Venus as 10" and 63", respectively.
Stepper motor drivers DRV8825 are configurable with three micro-stepping control inputs M0, M1 and M2:
M2 | M1 | M0 | micro-stepping resolution |
0 | 0 | 0 | Full step |
0 | 0 | 1 | Half step |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1/4 step |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1/8 step |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1/16 step |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1/32 step |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1/32 step |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1/32 step |
To save GPIO pins, because these configuration pins are not timing critical, are not connected directly to Tiva-C GPIOs, but to I2C I/O expander chip PCF8574.
The role of homing is to perform initial positioning of tube assembly in one of the known reference positions. In this design it is one of the four geographic positions of azimuth direction, and either top altitude end travel position "zenith", or bottom "horizon". Homing is performed with help of tube assembly rough orientation detection sensors.
Their operation is based on reflective optical sensors TCRT5000 Detection is based on the two-bit hamming encoded position for each axis with two strips of aluminum foil glued in arc shaped tracks.
For azimuth, one track gives reflection (state low on respective input) for the entire west side, while the other track is reflective for south direction. Their combination gives rough information about the current quadrant tube assembly is point to, while the respective edges gives (rough) estimation of each of four geographical directions. For altitude position estimation, due to mechanical limitations of movements, the strips are located so to give information if the tube is out or in possible movement (altitude below/above horizon line, or below/beyond zenith), and if the tube is below or above the midpoint of travel. It is of course due to mechanical accuracy, and is solely used for the initial estimation, and has no impact on the overall optical tube assembly pointing accuracy.
east | north | direction |
0 | 0 | South/West |
0 | 1 | North/West |
1 | 1 | North/East |
1 | 0 | South/East |
Similarly, the altitude sensors provides position and movement direction feedback (pitch):
high | end | direction |
0 | 0 | beyond zenith |
0 | 1 | high |
1 | 1 | low |
1 | 0 | below horizon line |
Notice the Gray encoding used for both direction sensor detection.
Additionally, during homing procedure a play size is measured to establish (not used at the moment) amount of backlash in the train. In latter stage of development it could be used by cancelling the deadband in software.
With help of magnetic compass and inclination meter mounted on the base of telescope mount should be placed on flat surface and rotated in position before homing is performed. Homing procedure initially decides into which of the respective reference points move the optical tube assembly. To make the subsequent alignment procedure easier for a user it is of course necessary to point azimuth base on relatively leveled surface, pointing the the north side to the (rough) geographical north direction. An alternative start-up routine selected with the joystick fire button held, proceeds with the measurement of the entire travel distance. It might be necessary to be performed just one time, as the travel distance is stored in NV-RAM and reused each start-up automatically.
3 star alignment
For (relatively) accurate alignment, procedure called 3 star alignment is performed.
It requires user to wait for the assembly to point at a reference star, correct position to move reference star within the mid point of viewer and accept.
The stars are selected among currently visible (high above horizon line), 100 brightest, not too close to the 90° declination, with relative high angular difference between them, to make up a large triangle across the sky. Stars are also ordered to create shortest travel path across the sky. The path is displayed in the first status display screen.
Once the first reference star is reached, the user is requested to provide correction vector, with the digital manipulator, and confirmed with a fire button. This is repeated three times.
Selection for such three star gives highest accuracy of alignment in the area covered by said triangle and within close proximity of its edges and vertices, being reference stars. Alignment procedure produces matrix used to recalculate actual position given by the numerical position of stepper motors and the corrected position. For more details please refer to the Toshimi Taki description or project I took inspiration from in the beginning Arduino based Telescope Controller Position of telescope and objects are primarily represented in equatorial coordinates. To find the azimuthal coordinates (azimuth and altitude) used by the stepper motor drive to control telescope tube, we proceed by computing the HA (Hour Angle) of the object. Now we have the RA, DEC and HA for the object, and the Latitude (LAT) of the observing site, the following formulas will give us the ALT and AZ of the object at the current LST. (
sin(ALT) = sin(DEC)*sin(LAT)+cos(DEC)*cos(LAT)*cos(HA) ALT = asin(ALT) sin(DEC) - sin(ALT)*sin(LAT) cos(A) = --------------------------------- cos(ALT)*cos(LAT) A = acos(A) If sin(HA) is negative, then AZ = A, otherwise AZ = 360 - A
Stellar library
The remaining of flash memory was used to store the positions of the most interesting fixed objects in the night sky: Messier objects and over 200 brightest stars with information regarding their:
- HR catalog number
- Bayer designation (identified by a Greek letter, followed by the genitive form of its parent constellation's Latin name)
- proper name (if known and used)
- constellation
- equatorial coordinates
- magnitude
The star atlas is constantly browsed through to find objects closest to the current location. The list can be used for example for "star-hoping" - while on one of the status screens one can select to hop to the next closest object/star. Other interesting objects in the night sky, such as planets in solar system require perpetual recalculation. I have included calculation of all solar system planets (meaning as of 2015, sorry Pluto fans ;) ) and the Sun and The Moon. Their positions and magnitudes are calculated with high accuracy, including perturbations of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. These terms needs to be taken into account since a single arc minute accuracy was required for positioning and tracking. Position of the Sun is also used to warn user of potential danger of pointing the instrument towards it with an audible (annoying) signal.
User interface
To communicate the user about it current status of operation, an LCD display with (configurable dimmable) red back-light is used for preservation of night-vision. If you are lucky you get red back-light module, but most of the eBay offer I have seen are modules with white back-light. Either replace white LED's with red ones, or cover with red film to filter red light only. The metal frame can be easily removed after bending tiny lips to fit in the PCB slots. Nokia 5110 is connected via SPI and make use of hardware SPI module of TM4C123G. Software module buffLCD was heavily adopted Rei Vilo, extended with double buffering, extra methods to draw primitives (lines, circles, boxes, rectangles, etc). The following set of screens informs about:
- time reference
- date
- UTC time
- GMST time
- sidereal time
- GPS and local (timezone) time
- configuration
- battery alarm level
- buzzer loudness
- main mirror fan speed control
- LCD back-light intensity
- time-zone settings (if not automatically detected from GPS location) - in 15 minutes resolution (Iran ?)
- temperature sensors I2C addresses
- Bluetooth password
- azimuth and altitude stepper control configuration
- micro-stepping mode (DRV8825)
- maximum speed
- maximum acceleration
- entire travel distance
- location information
- GPS status: time, date and location, fix, number of satellites, etc.
- current location: longitude and latitude, shown as either degrees with fractional part or degree, arcminutes and arcseconds
- satellite status information - satellites in view with their position in the sky
- satellite status information - satellites positions as tracks in the sky
- position status - drawing "crawling" track - for debugging purposes
- LX200 status
- status: connected or waiting, idle or active
- slewing/stationary
- requested position
stepper motor status
- current position in steps
- current movement speed in steps per second
- star atlas status
- visibility of objects in solar system
- number of (visible) stars above horizon line and their brightest and faintest magnitudes
- number of (visible) objects of Messier catalog above horizon line and their corresponding brightest and faintest magnitudes
- star that should be the closest from current position
- Messier object that should be the closes from current position
- star in view
- Bright star catalog number
- constellation
- magnitude
- angular distance
- heading (in form of dial)
- right ascension and declination
- Messier object in view
- Emil Dreyer's New General Catalogue (NGC) number
- Messier catalogue number and magnitude
- constellation
- object type
- right ascension and declination
- solar system object positions
- their coordinates: equatorial, geocentric and heliocentric Cartesian coordinates in AU units (with exception of Moon - expressed in Earth radii)
- constellation (Zodiac)
- Phase, elongation, illumination and apparent magnitude
- visibility
- horizon line configuration
User provides control via digital manipulator widely known as joystick. It consists of four partially independent direction controls up/down, left/right, mutually exclusive. In most of the display screens joystick acts as tube assembly control input: it allows manual control of telescope in four directions, limited by the acceleration and speed profile and horizon/zenith limits. In configuration screen, joystick is used to traverse menu (up/down) and modify parameters (left/right).
In case of alarms, an audible feedback is made through buzzer. Tones are formed in short and long durations to create telegraphy messages.
Horizon line
A virtual line above zero degree altitude used in various points of the controller (visibility statuses, alignment star selection, etc.) It can be defined to reflect the obstructs visibility at the current location. It can be set using fire button whenever telescope is pointing at the highest point of obstruction, and the menu item is selected. It is stored in NV-RAM and will be also reused next time controller is powered on again.
Even tough the goal was to make the controller completely standalone, it makes it much easier to use when connected via Bluetooth serial link with a PC running virtual planetarium software. The communication is based on LX200 protocol. Telescope controller provided continuous information about its position, and fulfills the requests to move around. To correctly configure Stellarium, enable Telescope Control plugin, and configure it according to the following settings:
- select "Stellarium, directly through a serial port"
- choose interface port that was created through Bluetooth radio link (/dev/rfcomm0)
- device model should be set to "LX200 (compatible)"
Once set, the communication should be automatically established when the button connect is pressed. The hair cross reticle should appear in the location where telescope is currently pointing at. To command telescope to slew in certain direction, press Ctrl-1 (where 1 is the index of telescope plugin). For debugging, one might use telescope server. It helped me a lot to debug implementation of LX200 protocol. If you plan to implement LX200 in your controller beware of buggy parser in Stellarium plugin - it crashes if the coordinates do not follow strictly its expected format.