
Board is on its way

A project log for Murgen: open source ultrasound imaging

An open-source ultrasound imaging dev kit side project

kelu124kelu124 01/31/2016 at 12:210 Comments

Blog is making progress first… I installed Disqus even with the mod_security issues. On Makake, tool seems broken so we’re letting it down.

On the fab side, we’ve been discussing, and preparing the work. We had some quotes, with a very kind gesture from them. Let’s see when we can get this started! I also played with Macrofab and their support for a 4-layer, that’s a real nice move from them.. but I’m feeling less sure with their own list of components.

Still on electronics, we were discussing about the pain to use some multilegged CMS – and we found some things to play with them on breadboards.

Murgen? That’s ongoing. #2 on HN, plus a smaller board in the pipe. Mostly onto documentation of the board so far! I also was toying with the idea of having a µC ( like PIC24FJ128GC010 and its high speed ADCs) right after the analog part – could be an additional board/cape stacked below (so with microcontrolleur and alimentation). It would then be able for example to stream data like a wifi camera, to receive the ping from the motor controler, ….
