
Drive that passive rail

A project log for DIY Pick and Place

Cartesian PNP machine using Rails/Carriages for high speed and accurate part placement. Affordable open source pick and place is on the way.

anthonywebbanthony.webb 03/19/2016 at 05:282 Comments

Since we launched the project nearly every nay sayer has the same feedback... "Oh, that passive rail will NEVER work!!" Well, we've proven that it does in fact work, and work very well IF (BIG IF) you have a nice set of rails.

Well, what if you wanted to roll with the cheap chinese rails instead? First off, I highly suggest getting the nicer rails, its worth the money IMHO. But enough people have asked and so we have added instructions on driving the passive rail.

The mod to your machine will take about 15 minutes and $20 in parts. It's probably worth the peace of mind although I have not seen any marked improvement to lead me to believe it is necessary.

The mod consists of a rod which couples to the end of your Y motor. This rod passes through a modified end bracket with a press fitted bearing for support, and holds a toothed pulley that will drive the previously passive rail. NOTE: we were short a 5mm coupler so we used an old toothed pulley we had laying around until our actual coupler arrives.


Malte R. wrote 03/19/2016 at 17:58 point

Hi Anthony, 

I love this mod - it reminds me of my LitePlacer ;-)

I think this design improves "squareness" of the machine, resulting in less sheer moment to the rails. 

Keep up your great work!

Best regards


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anthony.webb wrote 03/22/2016 at 16:31 point

Thanks for the kind words and support Malte!

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