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A project log for Dodo: 6502 Game System

Handheld Game System featuring the 6502

peter-noyesPeter Noyes 02/18/2016 at 05:450 Comments

It was bound to happen, there is a mistake on my PCB :( When I went to test the display a few nights ago nothing happened. I poked around with my multimeter and discovered that there was no voltage on the VCC pin for the screen. I double checked the voltage regulator and found that it was backwards. When I designed the component in DipTrace I got it wrong. Why is the pinout for voltage regulators always from the bottom perspective in the datasheets??

Anyway, after re-soldering the regulator (which was a nightmare), I fired up dodo and the display is now working much better. The noise on the lines are now gone. Next step is to write some better graphics routines to control the screen!


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