The sprite drawing functions written in 'C' are just too slow. As an experiment I wrote a draw_sprite function in assembly, that so far only handles the fast case of the y coordinate being a multiple of 8. So far the results are outstanding! In the game 0xDEADBEEF, the alien and cow are always being drawn using the fast case so I was able to switch them over. The new routine saves about 10,000 cycles per frame. With a limit of 50,000 cycles per frame, a 10,000 cycle improvement is huge! The fart utilizes the slow method where lots of shifting needs to happen to get the pixels in the right spot in vmem and is still using the C version. The next step is to rewrite the complex case as well. Below is the fast case written in assembly.
; drawing to #3C00 ;void drawSprite(unsigned char* sprite, unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char w, unsigned char h, unsigned char flip) _draw_sprite: sta tmp7 ; flip jsr popa sta tmp1 ; h jsr popa sta tmp2 ; w jsr popa sta tmp3 ; y jsr popa sta tmp4 ; x jsr popax sta ptr2 ; sprite stx ptr2+1 lda tmp3 and #$07 ; calculate % sta tmp5 lda tmp3 lsr ; divide by 8 lsr lsr sta tmp6 ; Page lda tmp5 beq @fast jmp @complex ; Fast case @fast: lda #$00 ; pointer to vmem sta ptr1 lda #$3C sta ptr1+1 ; Calculate offset into vmem based on page lda tmp6 ; Load page into a jsr multiply_128 ; a/x = page * 128 adc ptr1 sta ptr1 txa adc ptr1+1 sta ptr1+1 clc lda tmp4 ; add x to ptr1 adc ptr1 sta ptr1 lda #0 adc ptr1+1 sta ptr1+1 ldy tmp2 ; Load width into y, will decrement to 0 dey ; start at w - 1 @next_stripe: ldx #0 lda tmp7 bne @transfer_flip @transfer_next: lda (ptr1), y ora (ptr2), y sta (ptr1), y dey bne @transfer_next lda (ptr1), y ; Last byte ora (ptr2), y sta (ptr1), y jmp @process_done @transfer_flip: tya pha txa tay inx lda (ptr2), y sta tmp8 pla tay lda (ptr1), y ora tmp8 sta (ptr1), y dey bne @transfer_flip txa ; Last byte tay lda (ptr2), y sta tmp8 ldy #0 lda (ptr1), y ora tmp8 sta (ptr1), y @process_done: lda tmp1 sec sbc #8 beq @done ; If h now down to 0, done sta tmp1 clc lda #128 ; Load up next stripe adc ptr1 sta ptr1 lda #0 adc ptr1+1 sta ptr1+1 clc lda tmp2 adc ptr2 sta ptr2 lda #0 adc ptr2+1 sta ptr2+1 ldy tmp2 dey jmp @next_stripe jmp @done @complex: @done: rts ; multiply 8-bit number in a and store results in a/x as 16-bit multiply_128: ldy tmp1 ; cache tmp1 in y ldx #0 ; store 0 in tmp1, a already populated stx tmp1 asl a ; 2 rol tmp1 asl a ; 4 rol tmp1 asl a ; 8 rol tmp1 asl a ; 16 rol tmp1 asl a ; 32 rol tmp1 asl a ; 64 rol tmp1 asl a ; 128 rol tmp1 ldx tmp1 sty tmp1 clc rts
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