
New Screen

A project log for Dodo: 6502 Game System

Handheld Game System featuring the 6502

peter-noyesPeter Noyes 05/02/2016 at 15:560 Comments

This past weekend I tested an alternate display that I purchased from EastRising. It is pretty much the same screen as the Adafruit OLED except that the color is green, and it is irritatingly wired just slightly differently. Both displays use the SSD1305 controller which supports resolutions up to 132x64. My screens are 128x64 so 4 columns go unused. The Adafruit model uses columns 0-127 but the EastRising model uses 2-129. Ugh! I don't know if I got just a bad screen, if they are consistently different, or if perhaps even an Adafruit screen could vary. The modules appear identical physically so I am pretty sure that they both come from the same place. To support both options will be tricky. I might need to add hardware jumpers for configuration. At least I still have a few unused I/O lines I could use for this purpose.

The good news is that the screen looks really cool. The above picture doesn't do it justice. The screen makes me nostalgic for my old compaq portable which I did my first programming on when I was a kid. The other good news is that the screen is only 20$!

These are the two screen side by side. The EastRising screen is on the right and the Adafruit model is on the left.

UPDATE: I did get an e-mail back from EastRising and it is expected that their screen is hooked up using 2-129.


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