
Final Stretch

A project log for Dodo: 6502 Game System

Handheld Game System featuring the 6502

peter-noyesPeter Noyes 04/16/2017 at 21:471 Comment

The past few months have been spent getting Dodo ready to be available as a kit. Its a lot of work to get a kit together of this complexity! The hardware is final, the firmware final, parts have arrived, and most importably the documentation is complete!

Check out the documentation at I have provided both assembly instructions and information pages on the sub-systems of Dodo.

The last change to the firmware was to support versioning and improved flashing. There is now a version number built in that can be queried over the serial connection. Games record what version of the firmware they were built to target. Semantic versioning has been adopted and there is a version check when games load to avoid unexpected behaviors and allow for continued development.

There is no longer a flash button on the splash screen. The flash button has been replaced with an Info button that will show the firmware version. Dodo listens for a flash command as it sits on the splash screen indefinitely. The user experience is now much improved.

Be sure to check out, follow on twitter, and sign up for the e-mail list to stay updated on the latest Dodo news! The Tindie page will go live soon!


Jon Thomasson wrote 04/28/2017 at 16:10 point

This project turned out great, congratulations! My birthday is coming up, maybe I'll drop a hint to my wife that I want one of these :). Keep up the great work!

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