
Kame, ESP8266 based quadruped

Kame is a quadruped robot with 8 servos and an ESP8266

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Kame is a quadruped robotic platform fully 3d printed, developed on the BQ innovation lab. It is programmed with Arduino and powered by an ESP8266. It has full mobility, and capabilities for performing different movements like jumping, dancing...

This project has born with the aim of studying different gaits and algorithms for generating them.
It has been designed entirely on FreeCAD an printed with an open-source 3D printer.

I has eight degrees of freedom, with two servos on each leg. Its legs perform a parallelogram mechanism, which let the foot be perpendicular to the floor on every movement. On the joints, there is room for F693ZZ bearings. These bearings fit nicely on PLA printed parts, and make the rotation smooth. However, they can be replaced with printed bushings too.

The main controller is an ESP8266 based board, the NodeMCU. It has its PWM outputs connected directly to the signal wire of the servos. The robot is powered by a two cell LiPo battery, that can be connected to the HV servos without the need of using any kind of voltage converter.

I have chosen for this robot some high speed servos. With them, Kame is able to walk making hopping gaits. Its control is based on oscillator algorithms. The oscillator method for designing walking patterns has been proved to work nicely on previous legged robot projects. I made libraries in Arduino and Python to manage oscillators and use them on robots like Maus (biped based on an Arietta G25 board) and Zowi (biped based on a BQ Zum board).

For more information, full FreeCAD sources and some code, you can visit its Github repository


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View all 9 files

  • 1 × NodeMCU board
  • 8 × Turnigy TGY-306G-HV
  • 1 × Turnigy nano-tech 460mah 2S
  • 8 × M2 4mm Hex bolt
  • 32 × M2 6mm Hex bolt

View all 11 components

  • 1
    Step 1

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zjf736 wrote 04/10/2023 at 08:30 point


I don't know if my sg90 servo motor should be restored to the default position before loading into the leg

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udhir12345 wrote 06/06/2019 at 11:53 point

hey could anyone help me with the connections of the pcb with the motors and also with the code and the app used to control it please i'm a beginner in working with pcb could you please help.

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zxy wrote 01/02/2019 at 14:17 point

which Android APK to control?

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franjorola wrote 04/16/2018 at 23:40 point

Hello everyone. I saw this project some time ago and I loved it. The fact is that I have printed all the pieces and I have bought the hardware but I have never used Arduino and I do not know how to program it or how to do it. Can someone give me a tutorial?

Thank you very much

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isoriaa wrote 03/09/2018 at 09:43 point

I need some help, how to control from mobile phone, i conect to kame wifi go to and I don`t know what to do. Is it a web, do I need a tcp socket?. Is there any android app to do it?

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joblackk4949 wrote 02/19/2018 at 05:48 point

I've built my own kame but I"d like to understand how to smooth out the legs movements.  Your paper somehow refers to the oscillator algorithm but can't find any paper to understand more about it.  I see the code referencing to a function that may be what I am looking for.  Unsure though.  Can you help?  Many thanks.  very cool project. 

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Erik Lely wrote 06/28/2017 at 17:45 point

I was wondering what you guys are using for controlling the quad?

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fridi wrote 05/15/2017 at 12:16 point


3d printing is done and wiring is done.
Which can send me or describe how it is compiled on node mcu esp 8266
A little tutorial?
I am a beginner .
thank you

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franjorola wrote 04/29/2018 at 23:00 point

Hola. Como has conectado los servos a la placa en que pines. Estoy un poco perdido y necesito ayuda 


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Jason wrote 01/19/2017 at 20:23 point

Does anyone have a wiring diagram for this project or even some close ups of all the wiring connections? I have all my parts printed and all the electronics and hardware ready. Thanks.

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deʃhipu wrote 01/19/2017 at 22:46 point

There is a PCB with a schematic in the repository:

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kt_bodo69 wrote 11/04/2016 at 21:42 point

Hi guys,

Can someone please offer some guidance on how to program esp. do i need to burn all files from arduino folder that is post on github? i mean the content of code and lib folders? it is the first time when i program with arduino ide. to be honest is the second time because i did managed to upload the http server example from arduino ide.

So please if someone can advise me....

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kt_bodo69 wrote 11/01/2016 at 17:15 point

Hi guys,

I am totally new in this field and i am wondering if someone can explain how i can write all that files from github in ESP.

I would like to use Arduino Ide with an CP2102 usb adapter.

i need to upload all files from folder CODE?

Thanks a lot for support, maybe some of you will think i ask stupid questions but i am at the beginning and i am trying to understand.

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Klima wrote 04/18/2016 at 20:33 point


What is the small white component visible next to the unassembled leg on your "build instructions"? It is a washer of some kind I guess, since it has to provide means to fit the bolt behind the servo.

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Javier Isabel wrote 04/19/2016 at 18:44 point

Hi Klima, this is a F693ZZ bearing. I'd recommend to look the 3D model on FreeCAD project to see how is it assembled.

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Klima wrote 04/19/2016 at 20:16 point

OK, thanks! I ordered all the "hardware" and now need to print. From tomorrow I will try to watch a FreeCAD tutorial, since I have no idea how to use it.

I will be using those cheaper TG9z servos. Wish me luck!

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Javier Isabel wrote 04/20/2016 at 19:10 point

@Gianlu Owen has mounted his Kame (PoorKame on Thingiverse) with SG90 servos and it works better than we expected. Last week we bougth 120 TG9z servos for mounting a bunch of Kames, we are not sure yet if we will have to modify any printable part, but it looks like a good option for a low-cost BOM :)

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Klima wrote 04/20/2016 at 19:56 point

Sg90 did not fit in legs for me. How did you do it? Anyway, I have already ordered Tg9z.

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Javier Isabel wrote 04/20/2016 at 22:02 point

He modified some parts. They are available here:

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Klima wrote 05/07/2016 at 17:13 point

Hello again, my Kame is printed and assembled, but how do you keep the servo horns from moving inside their cavity (the horns I got with TG9z have a bit narrower horns than the cavity)?

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Javier Isabel wrote 05/09/2016 at 14:08 point

Hi, since different servos have different horn sizes, the best way is just putting a screw. One of the tiny screws included with the servo must work fine.

You can see how @Gianlu Owen did it on his robot in this pic:

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Klima wrote 05/16/2016 at 09:01 point


I am proud to report my Kame is walking!

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gottmoz wrote 03/27/2016 at 17:30 point


i´m having problems uploading the code, i use platform io and the upload works fine, but i can¨t get to the web interface.... it will use my last programmed ssid and when i connect i cant get any webpage showing on if i look in serial monitor it will show and when i try to connect with browser it changes to normal mode in serial monitor.....

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Javier Isabel wrote 04/19/2016 at 18:59 point

Hi gottmoz. I'm not sure but I think you refer to the stock firmware that is in the board when you buy it. When you upload the Kame arduino code (or any another), the original firmware is deleted. For getting back to the web interface, I think you will have to flash the original firmware.

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Kojote wrote 02/05/2016 at 14:25 point

Yay for bq!

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Victor wrote 02/01/2016 at 16:51 point

I ordered all accessories and already I started printing details :)

However I will be using cheap SG90 servos

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Dan wrote 01/30/2016 at 19:24 point

how much would this cost to print? 

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Jonathan Beri wrote 01/30/2016 at 14:47 point

Have you explored an alternative design using cheaper servos, possibly @ 6v? The Towerpro MG90D could be a viable option:

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shamylmansoor wrote 01/30/2016 at 14:37 point

Pretty Cool! Definitely going to try making it!

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jacksonliam wrote 01/30/2016 at 10:39 point

Very cool indeed! Do you have a picture of the body wired up with the lid off?

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Tim Hawkins wrote 01/30/2016 at 06:22 point

do you have any plans to add any sensors?

An ultrasonic sensor would be cool

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rumihohler wrote 02/01/2016 at 21:59 point

i will try to attach a tango dev kit

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