
Raspbian Pixel (x86) and VirtualBox

A project log for eXaDrums

Electronic drums for Linux

jeremyJeremy 01/03/2017 at 20:560 Comments

So the Raspberry Pi foundation made Raspbian Pixel available for x86 architecture, and I was wondering why? And how could this be useful to me? Turns out that I found the answer by accident, when I tested eXaDrums on Raspbian Pixel x86 in VirtualBox...

Just before I explain what happened, here's how you can convert the Raspbian iso to a vdi for VirtualBox:

VBoxManage convertfromraw 2016-12-13-pixel-x86-jessie.iso Pixel.vdi
VBoxManage modifyhd Pixel.vdi --resize 8192
The second line is used to "simulate" a 8GB SD card.

So I was away on holidays and I didn't take a Raspberry Pi with me. I saw the news on HaD, and decided to test Raspbian Pixel in VirtualBox. Then I tried to install and compile eXaDrums from scratch. No problems, everything seems to work fine...

I was testing the new features I added to allow the users to add new kits to the drum module, and I found out to things :

  1. Old versions of Gtkmm don't allow the use of the "=" operator to initialize a Gtk::Label. They have to be initialized in the constructor of the class that holds them instead. I completely forgot that detail, and Raspbian reminded it to me! (see related commit on Github)
  2. That one is even better... As I was testing, and adding new drum kits, everything was fine on Debian and Ubuntu MATE, but, I was getting occasional crashes on Raspbian Pixel (x86). I put a few std::cout to try to locate the problem, and it came from an std::mismatch call that I use to find the name of the newly added drum kit. Interesting, isn't it... Take a look at the commit on Github if you're interested to see how I fixed the problem.

I have to admit, having Raspbian Pixel x86 running in VirtualBox was very useful especially for testing, as I don't necessarily have a Raspberry Pi nearby. I already have another version running with Xfce installed!
