
Update - A shelf, some decor and a ukulele

A project log for Pimp my dormroom

Turning a bare university dorm room into an epic lab that's also a stylish living space. Make friends and evil robot minions concurrently!

johnowhitakerjohnowhitaker 02/23/2016 at 14:520 Comments

Haven't made as much progress as hoped. Added some pot-plants and this lovely art from scanlime (Micah Scott, an amazing artist/engineer

This is lovely, and cost less than $0.30 to print. One thing that only strikes me now is that some images weren't made by me in, they were copied from Micah's description page. Need to check rules re: payment, but I can always make my own less artistic versions :P Also visible is one of many A4 whiteboards - so useful!

I added a shelf where there was an ugly gap by the sink. I now have a place to put toiletries, and my bagpipes case stashes away underneath:

I am also including this here, although it's not really to do with my room:

I made a case for my new ukulele - had some torn shorts that didn't fit, and I like how it turned out :)

(It fastens together with two buttons)

In the background is a shirt with a custom design bleached on - more 'art' for my wall. The design is barely visible but IRL it looks nice and more importantly it's my personal creation :)

That's about it so far, but I am scouting around for material for a decent work surface/second desk.
