
Mark I Detector

A project log for DIY Ballistic Chronograph

A simple DIY ballistic chronograph using IR emitter/phototransistor triggering, an ESP8266 and an I2c LCD

alpha-charlieAlpha Charlie 02/01/2016 at 20:390 Comments

Above is a picture of the first detector prototype. It used a 3" ID packing tube. The sensor tube consisted of 2 emitter-detector pairs at a fixed distance. Each detector output is amplified by a bipolar transistor and the output is used to trigger an SCR.

The circuit used (schematic above) was one I found on this thread - however I hadd to adjust component values to compensate for the supply being 5VDC. I used a 330 ohm resistor instead of 470, a 20K pot instead of 100K and a 3.3K instead of the 10K resistor. (The tube contains two trigger circuits.)

The circuit worked well but triggering was inconsistent due to the sensors having a fairly narrow sensitivity. (perhaps 60 degrees?) The mark II prototype uses a narrower tube and shorter distance between sensors to get more consistent triggering.

If you have problems getting it to trigger-
