
Initial design considerations

A project log for T030

MC68030 based single board computer

tobias-rathjeTobias Rathje 02/04/2016 at 10:180 Comments

Motorola has published Application Note ANE426 describing a minimal system based on the MC68030.

It consists of the following:

I thougt of using this application note as a starting point for my board with a few exceptions.

All glue logic will be implemented in a CPLD. Having never used CPLD's or FPGA's before, I'm sure there will be a lot for me to learn about those devices.

I recently bought a cheap CPLD development board with an Altera MAX II EPM240 along with a USB-Blaster cable to play around with the Altera Quartus II software. As far as I can understand from the documentation, the Altera MAX II series is not really 5V tolerant, so for the T030 project I have settled for the older MAX 7000 series, to be specific the EPM7128SLC4 which comes in a nice PLCC package.

Instead of the EPROMS, I will use a more modern flash IC for ROM: AMD AM29F040B

From the other projects I have found, It seems like the Alliance Memory AS6C4008 is a good choice as a relatively large capacity 8 bit parallel SRAM as it is available as a DIP package.


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