
attempted mounting solution

A project log for 5+ Axis Robot Arm

Building an open source robot arm for makers and small businesses

dan-royerDan Royer 07/24/2015 at 02:020 Comments

Trying to be more open about what I'm working on. Feels more productive and maybe maybe it will help down the road.grey is the magnet. green is the PCB. the hollow shaft is where the I bolt used to be. Now I'll put in an M8 rod with no bolt head. the small thru-hole is to pop the magnet out of the printed holder (if needed). The two gears on the bottom are printed as once piece, the magnet holder is one piece. I imagine screws will have to come from the magnet end, go all the way through the holder, and then into the bottom gears some way.

I don't feel like I know what I'm doing with the angular contact bearings, but I can't imagine a way that will work with anything smaller.


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