The software part is a firmware written using Arduino IDE and it’s supporting both AVR (Mega2560) and ARM platform (Due). Modified, it could also be used in other projects. It comes with SCPI command set that is obligatory feature of serious commercial equipment and its usually behind the marketing word “programmable”. Thanks to SCPI it’s possible to remotely program and monitor power supply. There is many commercial software suites that allows communication with various laboratory equipment, and some manufacturers such as Keysight offers entry level solution for free (e.g. Command Expert).

This project is now in mature phase leaving many mistakes, misconceptions and dead-ends behind it. I’d like to present here a current status and from now on new ideas and progress will be presented asking of course for your opinions and comments.

In short this project should bridge the huge gap that exists between commercial and simple DIY programmable power supplies (that if we could accept above mentioned notice about programmability hardly deserve such name) – the first offers many features and remains hopelessly closed and later offers OPENNESS in publishing and discussing all challenges and are in general much simpler for building (that not necessary mean that such design is by default questionable, poor performer, unsafe or even dangerous to any party involved).

Let’s continue with the list of main features:

What is achieved to this moment?

The hardware part is completed with one minor exception: a nice front panel cover mask is missing. Its design file is ready and it has to be send to laser cutting online service (namely Two prototypes are up and running one with THT pre-regulator/post-regulator modules and another with SMD. Both of them are using the same Arduino shield one running Mega2560 and another Due.

Firmware M1 is published and comes with one still rare feature: a software simulation! That means that one could test all currently supported functionality (SCPI commands in this moment) without having real hardware! We tested it on Windows, Linux and OS X and source code is available on GitHub, and it’s accompanied with decent 100-page reference guide. You are welcome to test what is done so far (some examples are also available if you are not familiar with SCPI).

More detailed hardware feature list

More detailed firmware M1 (Milestone One) feature list