
Crowdsupply campaign announcement

A project log for DIY programmable (SCPI) bench power supply

Bridging the gap between professional and DIY/hobbyist bench power supply

denisDenis 09/17/2016 at 10:180 Comments

Hi everyone, I was thinking how to organize next group buy since people still coming and asking for it, and I decided to try to make it as a crowdfunding campaign. A Crowdsupply platform is selected, and I'd like to offer various options starting with bare PCBs. Maybe a "kit" version that include assembled modules,enclosure and other items required to get a completed unit should be a"central/highlighted pledge". Why not a complete unit at the first place? Because it require CE and FCC certification that cost a lot and that could be an option only if enough backers shows interest. I'm aware that passing such certification with the current solution could be very challenging since e.g. for lowering a cost I didn't use 4-layer PCB for the Power module where is SMPS pre-regulator. It's also questionable how "noisy" are selected TFT display and Arduino Due "clone" (eBay-grade), etc.

Anyway, this campaign similar to the first experimental group buy (thanks everyone for your support!) is not profit driven, since the main idea is to promote open hardware solutions and try to decrease total cost as much as possible. Therefore if more funds will be raised, a better offer will be, and eventually we can ends up with completed and CE/FCC approved unit. Hopefully someone will jump in with review of what is already done, and what is a chance for existing design to pass EM compliance testing in the first place, or if chances are slim, what to change and prepare a next revision of the Power board with e.g. 4-layers and some extras to increase possibility to pass that testing without much hassle.
