
The Little Pi That Sorta Could

A project log for PiFold

PiZero+CustomAccessPoint+CaptivePortal+AudioStreaming+PiFM+Voip in a wallet. Cash, Cache and Content. (optional Solar Charger)

tomwsmftomwsmf 02/04/2016 at 05:170 Comments

I used the instructions from my Anyfesto project on my one and only PiZero

Results. Everything works but slowly and with much scrapping the top. I stripped out Webmin, qirc and Cops. Better , but audio streaming via VLC keeps the idle up in the 40's and 50's

Since the PiZero can use PiFM code I will try to get that in as soon as I can. I am curious to hear what it will sound like compared to the Adafruit FM module.
