"Why the heck would you want something like that?"
Fair question for many a project. Having worked with community wireless groups, doing up a couple of different local content geegaws and in general following various sharing projects I have seen a numbers of reasons to answer Why. Here then are some that float to the top.
Gatherings- Game nights, political rallies, hackerfests, foocamps, study groups... All these and more are places where having a local stash of info, files and media might come in handy.
Intertubez Deadspots - Hospitals, schools, regions of government regulation, Where ever it is you can not or should not use the greater internetwork of networks. If you are worried about being caught with subversive/unlegal items then the quick palming/breaking of the SD card might be an action to practice.
Silent Disco/Rave/Baroque Event- Set up the play list, hand out the SSID, put on your headphones and dance/flail/gigue about wildly.
Data Deaddrop- When used with a solar option, like the one detailed in this project, or near a reliable power source you can house this project in a nice outdoor weather shielding case and put in a location of use. Magnets work well for some placements as does gorilla strength duct tape. To help abate any moisture issue in the case pesky silica packs help keep moister away from the works, as does a diaper. Fatherhood has made for some fascinating McGuyverings.
Because, reasons... Spiritual, religious or just plain philanthropic there are reasons above and beyond the ones listed. Some call it doing a mitzvah, others pin it to dharma, still others hold that building ways to share grows better communities. Whatever the reason if you become a walking talking all dancing all sharing ap of your nearby world...then who knows what good might come of it.
All of the above come with the standard terms of ymmv, consult your local laws and regulations, do not be evil and if itching persists please see a doctor.
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