
Bootloader and Kernel integrated

A project log for Badge for Hackaday | Belgrade Conference

I have the honour to design the badge for Belgrade Conference. Here it is! Voilà!

voja-antonicVoja Antonic 04/01/2016 at 21:191 Comment

The new version of firmware, which shall be official at the Hackaday Belgrade Conference, contains the firmware which integrates Bootloader and Kernel function. It occupies 6 K of Program Memory, so there is 26 K available for user code.

This will make the process of writing the user code significantly easier. Kernel contains the following transparent functions:

- LED display refresh
- Debouncer and edge detection for all keys
- Brightness high/low service in 16 steps, with physiological linearization
- Pause and Sleep/Wake Up service
- Optical communication service via serial port, with embedded protocol (which includes serial number as recipient's address)

There is also Demo Application software, with Moving Message Display, Tetris game and Accelerometer demo software (if hardware module GY-521 is available). This software is not a part of Kernel, ant it will be overwritten at the next software bootloading.

Details are in the updated PDF file Hackaday Belgrade Badge Manual (version 2), which is in the FILES page


Mike Szczys wrote 04/01/2016 at 21:26 point

Amazing work on this Voja! Having the bootload take care of the display, and debouncing the inputs, opens up for a lot faster path to hacking the firmware. Nice!

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