
Drill press tuning

Converting a cheap drill press into state of the art machinery

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The quality of my drill press is more than mediocre, but it's designed like it was meant to be modded.

Modifications I'm got planned:

Column extension DONE


Automated drive

Coordinate table


  • Column extension

    BF3803/06/2016 at 12:35 0 comments

    The first mod was supposed to be quite simple, but it ended up being a little more complicated.

    One of the most annoying points of the drill press was the size of the column which prevented working on bigger pieces, so I decided to exchange the column, which looked easy because it's only a steel tube.

    Pict.1: Tiny cute drillpress (so kawaii ㅋ_ㅋ)

    When I measured the tube diameter it was 48 mm and I thought it was 48.3 mm, which is a standard size for handrails and is easy available, but I was wrong, it was really 48mm, which wasn't available at any nearby metal dealer, so I had to bore up the holes, which lead to the parallel project, the honing head.

    Pict.2: Column comparison

    I was really surprised it worked out so well, but the steel tube itself isn't really precise so I have already the next mod in mind, for being able to adjust the perpendicularity of the column.

    Pict.3: Quite a difference

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chiara.sola wrote 03/15/2016 at 10:09 point

wow!! keep the work bro!!

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